Best Energy Drink Powders for Teenagers (Detailed Info)

If most adults prefer coffee and tea, a large portion of teenagers seems to have taken a liking to energy drinks. They mostly consume caffeine to gain required mental and physical energy for studies, athletics, and to make up for poor sleep management.

However, if you’re a teenager and consume caffeine daily, you may not be aware of the health problems that excessive consumption of caffeine can cause. Though you may be used to the adverse effects of caffeine, it may affect you in the later years.

Nonetheless, the energy drink industry has ensured that there are brands with just the right amount of caffeine, sugar, and other ingredients. But regardless of its contents, teenagers shouldn’t consume energy drinks in order to avoid adverse side effects.

If quitting energy drinks is not an option for some reason, I personally recommend powdered energy drinks as teens can regulate when and how much can they consume per serving. Out of all the brands in the market, you may want to check out Gamersupps GG and Zipfizz which only have 100mg of caffeine and are considered the threshold for teens aged 12 to 18.

If you’re ready, let’s go on ahead!

Can teenagers drink energy drinks?

No, teenagers shouldn’t consume energy drinks. Because caffeine is one of the energy drink industry’s most prominent ingredients, it’s advised that teens should avoid energy drinks. However, there are findings that suggest people aged 12-18 is may consume up to 100 mg of caffeine on a daily basis.

As teenagers are more sensitive to caffeine than adults due to differences in body mass, high caffeine in energy drinks may have a sudden impact on the heartbeat leading to a rise in blood pressure. Most adults can bear it but it could be life-threatening for teens and can be life-threatening to the young audience with heart conditions.

Apart from that, energy drinks contain other energy-boosting ingredients such as Taurine and Guarana, which respectively serve as supplements for better bodily function and reduced fatigue. Allergens in energy drinks may also be present in a specific brand, so I highly suggest taking a peek at the ingredients sections before consumption.

A severe allergic reaction to caffeine, anaphylactic shock, is a rare occurrence but otherwise possible. To avoid such an event, I highly suggest that teenagers should less than 100 mg of caffeine on a regular basis.

Do teenagers need energy drinks?

Most of the teens feel the need to consume energy drinks to keep themselves awake, gain mental energy, ability to focus, and stay alert to meet their supposed deadlines. Other researchers also note that the youth depend on energy drinks if they are prone to strenuous physical activities such as sports.

In these conditions, it is understandable to go for an instant boost. However, it’s not advised to be dependent on energy drinks since it can result in addiction due to the presence of caffeine and sugar.

Though energy drinks are in fact safe for teenagers, it doesn’t mean that the younger audience should just stick to it since their bodies are still developing. The negative effects of abusing the ability to consume energy drinks may cause detrimental effects to the body if you’re not careful.

Below is also a table for the pros and cons of energy drinks for teenagers.

Energy boost, especially for physical activitiesPowdered energy drinks can become addictive
Powdered energy drinks are lightweightheightens the possibility of weight gain
Contains amino acids, vitamins, and mineralshigher risk of sleep deprivation
Should teens purchase energy drinks?

Is it bad for 14 year old to drink energy drinks?

Yes, it can be bad for a 14-year-old to ingest energy drinks.

Their bodies are most likely optimally handle caffeine like that of adults and this can result in tremendous side effects such as jitters, abnormal heartbeats, and especially insomnia if consumed during the evening. Aside from these, energy drinks with high sugar content can promote dental problems and obesity if consumed on a regular basis.

Studies also show that 14-year-olds and other young individuals are more susceptible to developing substance dependence, especially in drugs and alcohol, when they start regularly consuming something. Unfortunately, some energy drink brands have addictive ingredients and can pose more threats to children’s health, more so without an adult’s supervision.

Ingesting energy drinks may also consume a 14-year-olds sugar daily intake and can result in more disorders such as type II diabetes sooner than later.

Is caffeine bad for teens?

Caffeine is helpful when consumed moderately.

Yes, caffeine may be inherently bad for teens. As previously mentioned, it won’t pose a threat to a teen’s mental and physical health if they cap their consumption to 100 mg.

In the worst-case scenario, these are the side effects teenagers may feel if they were to consume too much caffeine:

  • Restlessness
  • Dizziness
  • Insomnia
  • Headaches
  • Diarrhea
  • Dehydration
  • Anxiety
  • Abnormal heartbeat

Is sugar bad for teenagers?

Sugar, if consumed moderately, isn’t bad for teenagers per se. However, consuming excess sugar is bad for both teens and adults as it can result in many short-term and long-term health problems.

If you consume excessive sugar, the unrestricted insulin that’s present in your body may develop into hypoglycemia. This occurrence may also cause heart diseases such as heart failure, strokes, etc.

These are other problems that you may suffer from if consumed loads of sugar:

  • Risk of type 2 diabetes
  • Acne
  • Obesity
  • Increased risk of several types of cancer
  • Increased risk of depression

The AHA suggests that individuals below 18 must consume less than 25 grams of added sugar per day, while the limit for adult women is 24 grams and adult men 36 grams.

What should teenagers drink for energy?

What beverages are better than energy drinks?

Aside from energy drinks, there are numerous beverages teenagers can enjoy or get their energy from. Here are some of the common drinks teenagers can help themselves without having to worry much about adverse side effects:


Water is undoubtedly the healthiest beverage on the planet. It doesn’t only keep you hydrated but also helps your body to function properly.

Aside from keeping your body in pristine condition, the following are also the benefits of choosing water over any drink:

  • Flushes bacteria from your bladder.
  • Carries oxygen and nutrients to your cells.
  • Normalize blood pressure.
  • Stabilizes heartbeat.
  • Helps you lose any extra pounds.

Research also suggests that most teens and kids don’t drink enough water. To help you know if you’re drinking enough, here’s an article suggesting the right amount of water for you depending upon your age and other conditions.

Green tea

Green tea contains much less caffeine than coffee, making it a great option for teens. It carries loads of antioxidants and nutrients which will help you fight flu and other diseases, although needs to be consumed in moderation.

Here are some health benefits that moderate consumption of green tea offers:

  • Provides antioxidants that may lessen risks of certain types of cancer.
  • Prevents development of type II diabetes.
  • Prevents heart diseases.
  • Improve cognitive functions.
  • Helpful for weight loss.

Vegetable and fruit juices

These juices can be an easy way to fit extra nutrients and vitamins into your diet if you don’t like certain fruits and vegetables. However, some fruits contain a lot of sugar and their juice can lead to weight gain so you have to be considerate of that.

Some of the healthiest natural juices come from beet, celery, carrot, watermelon, pomegranate, etc. These can also be a great source of energy, minerals, and vitamins since they are natural elements like energy drinks that can pose a threat to one’s health.

You can also check out this Youtube video for more details on fruits and vegetable juices:

Why fruits and vegetable mixes are great.

Best energy drink powders for teenagers

As I said a while ago, it’s not recommended for teenagers to consume energy drinks. But out of all the brands in the market, I personally think that brands with powdered variations are best suited for teenagers if they strongly insist on consuming energy drinks. It gives users more control of their consumption so as not to experience adverse side effects due to the substances in a brand.

Here are some of the powdered energy drinks with a caffeine content of 100 mg that may be suitable for teenagers:

Gamersupps GG

Sachets of Gamersupps GG.

If you’re looking for a rising star, you may want to look at Gamersupps GG.

Gamersupps GG has no calories, sugar, and carbohydrates! You don’t have to worry about putting on extra weight if consumed it in moderation.

This energy drinks mix contains 100 mg of caffeine per serving. Aside from the usual vitamins, its formula contains minerals and electrolytes such as Zinc and potassium.

A tub of Gamersupps GG that provides 100 servings costs only $35.99 on their official website. Thinking about purchasing your own tub? Head over to this article and get to know the rising rookie itself!


Tubes of Zipfizz.

If all of America will vote on the greatest powdered energy drink of all time, most will surely pick Zipfizz.

Zipfizz comes in travel-friendly tube packaging. A serving of this product contains 100 mg of caffeine to supply you with a boost of energy and the ability to stay focused and alert.

It’s a sugar-free drink and even a serving contains 20 calories. Moreover, it carries vitamins C and E that are advantageous for your immune system, and B vitamins that enhance your mental cognition.

This energy drink powder comes in 14 different flavors and its 20-serving pack of Zipfizz costs $37.99 on their official website. If you’re looking for a cost-effective energy drink then this may not be the one for you.

Interested? You can read this article to start your journey with Zipfizz today!


Teenagers shouldn’t consume energy drinks. However, they can enjoy their preferred brand once in a while if they have less than 100 mg of caffeine and little to no sugars present.

While you can consume energy drinks on a rare occasion, it’s still best to find other beverages that will offer you rehydration and energy boosts. Such action will help you prevent total dependence on energy drinks and even addiction.

Energy drinks may not suitable for young individuals with caffeine allergies and heart conditions as some of their ingredients can trigger such illnesses.

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