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When Do Powdered Energy Drinks Kick In? (Facts)

Energy drinks are known for their energy-boosting properties, ability to keep you focused, increase alertness, improve cognitive functions, etc. They can be your best friend when you’re exhausted but need to work. I personally think that powdered energy drinks are better than their canned counterparts as they give you full control over how much are …

An image showing both Zipfizz and coffee

Zipfizz vs. Coffee (Healthy choice?)

Zipfizz and coffee are great picks for people who do a lot of physical work or spend long hours on work. Both drinks are caffeinated and keep you active throughout the day. The presence of caffeine boosts your energy level instantly and alerts your brain. Caffeinated drinks like coffee and energy drink have gained popularity …

Comparison image of coffee and Spark

Advocare spark vs. Coffee (head to head comparison)

Ever since caffeinated beverages took the market by surprise, there has always been intense competition between Coffee and energy drinks. Many people pick energy drinks as their caffeine partner; others prefer Coffee. The difference in opinions is due to many reasons. Advocare Spark is an excellent energy drink, and it is marketed as a fantastic …


G-Fuel vs Monster (Side-by-Side Comparison)

G-Fuel is a top energy drink belonging to the gaming industry. It is a drink with a wide range of flavors and is pretty famous as endorsed by known public figures like the top subscribed Youtuber Pewdiepie. Whereas Monster is another great energy drink specifically marketed for athletes, and other sport-centered endeavors. This difference in …


G-Fuel vs Redbull (Which Works Best?)

G-Fuel is considered a gaming supplement whereas Redbull works as an all-rounder product for multiple purposes. You might be wondering how G-Fuel compares to Redbull, and know exactly how well they match with the other. This scrutiny also helps figure out which drink suits which lifestyle best. You’ll see that both drinks contain calories and …