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Can Energy Drink Powders Make You Burp? (Truth Revealed)

Summary: The energy powder drink’s caffeine may lead to a buildup of gas, which may result in a burp. However, you can manage the issue by consuming fewer energy-powder drinks.

Energy powder drinks have become increasingly popular on the market over the past several years, even though they are packed with caffeine, sugar, or artificial sweeteners.

Although the momentary energy boost could appear helpful, how do these nutrients affect your digestive system?

Everybody has been through the period of “gassiness” at least once in their lives. Some individuals link gas to tummy pain, while others link it to burping.

Excessive consumption of energy powder drinks while experiencing gas might disturb your digestive system, putting your health in danger.

Therefore, if you occasionally consume caffeine and like energy powder drinks, I highly recommend that you keep reading to learn which energy powder drinks are suitable for those who have gassiness and how their contents can make you burp.

What Is Burping?

An uncomfortable stomach might be soothed by a burp or belch. However, if it occurs frequently, it may indicate a health issue.

Gases can pass back up your esophagus if you swallow air with your food or if you drink something with bubbles in it, such as soda or beer. Those are burps.

The most frequent causes of burping include drinking carbonated liquids and inhaling air. The majority of the time, that gas escapes before reaching your stomach.

Instead, it is held until it comes back up in your esophagus.

Apart from swallowing air, other reasons for burping include:

  1. Eating quickly
  2. Smoke
  3. Chewing gum
Video with reasons you are burping too much

How To Prevent Burping?

Image of a person walking.
Walking can help you digest food faster and better

Consult your doctor if you have concerns about how often you burp. They might be able to offer some advice to help prevent it.

Additionally, they could perform tests to search for symptoms of a disease.

Eating slowly and chewing slowly are two possible preventions. You are less prone to swallow air as a result of this.

Avoid consuming dairy products, broccoli, cabbage, beans, and other similar foods. They may cause you to burp and cause gas in your intestines or stomach.

Give up smoking. There are many benefits to doing this, which your doctor will explain to you, but it may also help you burp less frequently.

After you eat, go for a stroll. Your digestion can benefit from a little workout.

Gas And Belch: What Foods Should You Avoid To Prevent It ?

You may feel bloated or belch frequently after consuming foods that stimulate the production of extra gas in your digestive tract. You can alter your diet if you want to lessen gas and bloating.

Foods/Drinks To AvoidReason
Carbonated DrinksStart by staying away from carbonated drinks, especially energy drinks, as well as soda, beer, and carbonated water. Avoiding carbonated drinks will reduce gas in your digestive system and help you feel less bloated.
FODAMPSAdditionally, dairy items and foods containing fermentable carbohydrates, or FODMAPs, should be avoided. These sugars can be poorly absorbed in the small intestine in some people.
High Soluble Fibre ProductsOats are a nutritious and delectable food, but because of their high soluble-fiber content, they are one of the foods that can result in excessive flatulence.
Food You Must Avoid To Prevent Gas And Belch

Ingredients In An Energy Powder Drink

The main ingredients of energy powdered drinks are caffeine, taurine, B vitamins, guarana, carbs, ginkgo biloba, l-carnitine, antioxidants, glucuronolactone, ginseng, and trace minerals.

  1. Citric Acid
  2. Sucralose
  3. Taurine
  4. Vitamins and B-Vitamins
  5. Caffeine
  6. Artificial Flavours
  7. Guarana Extract
  8. Green Tea Extract


Image of spoon of Sugar.
Excessive intake of sugar can cause life-threatening problems

Gas can be produced by sugar, which can cause belching.

According to a few studies, several forms of sugar may produce gas and bloating in people with digestive issues such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO).

Sugar consumption in excess is detrimental as well.

However, the AHA advises a tougher added-sugar limit of no more than 150 calories per day (or approximately 9 teaspoons or 36 grams of sugar) for most adult men and no more than 100 calories per day (or about 6 teaspoons or 24 grams) for most adult women.


Ginseng consumption has been linked to several unwanted side effects and harmful medication interactions.

The majority of people generally regard ginseng to be safe for short-term use, although recent research indicates that long-term use may have various unfavorable side effects.

Some investigations have noted the gastrointestinal adverse effects of nausea, diarrhea, abdominal bloating, and discomfort.

However, the consumption of ginseng may also be responsible for these outcomes.

Caffeine And Burping

Image of coffee beans.
Coffee Beans are produced abundantly in Brazil

Gas and burping can result from caffeine.

Some studies suggest that caffeine may loosen the LES, leading to gas in the lower abdomen or even worse.

Contrary to what some researchers claim, cutting out caffeine from your diet won’t necessarily improve your condition.

It’s also important to note that, as this research suggests, limiting your daily caffeine intake to under 400 mg enhances your health by preventing negative consequences including agitation, irregular heartbeats, fatigue, and insomnia.

Caffeine And The Digestive System

Caffeine is a stimulant that raises gut motility, or the muscle contraction that moves food through the gastrointestinal tract.

Dehydration can result from loose stools or diarrhea that might be brought on by this stimulating action.

Additionally, caffeine may have a slight diuretic effect, increasing urine production.

Furthermore, it can exacerbate jitteriness, anxiety, and poor sleep, with stress and worry frequently making the symptoms of numerous gastrointestinal diseases, such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and Inflammatory Bowel Disease, worse (IBD).

Can Energy Drink Powders Make You Burp?

According to several research, energy powder drinks may create gas and belching, which can lead to a burp.

Some people are more sensitive to caffeine than others and can experience gas and belching or eventually burp, even by consuming a moderate amount.

This syndrome can also be induced by consuming carbonated, caffeinated beverages, such as soft drinks.

Bloating and gas have also been linked to other substances in energy powder drinks, such as citric acid, artificial colors, and preservatives.

Stick to proper beverages to avoid triggering your stomach rather than jeopardizing your health.

Foods That Won’t Cause Burping

Image of Brown Rice.
Brown Rice intake can help you with weight loss

Even though there are a variety of foods you can choose from if you have digestive issues, it is advised to stick to those that won’t make things worse.

The list of acceptable foods and drinks for gas and belching is provided below. These normally have no negative effects on your body and even help with food digestion.

Brown RiceIt is the only starchy food that does not produce gas when broken down while simultaneously providing more energy, making it the safest carbohydrate.
Dairy AlternativesSince yogurt and non-dairy milk products like almond, soy, and rice milk contain good probiotics, and beneficial bacteria strains, these dairy products are unlikely to cause similar gas sensations.
Lean ProteinIt is possible to reduce gassiness by limiting fatty foods and focusing on lean protein sources because, unlike fatty meats, protein does not naturally create gas after digestion.
FruitsMany fruits are renowned for reducing gas production. However, it’s wise to consume them in moderation. These include grapes, honeysuckle, clementine, cantaloupe, and blueberries.
Foods That Won’t Cause Burping

Famous Energy Powder Drinks


Image of Zipfizz.
Zipfizz is a healthy, nutrient-rich energy powder

The powdered energy drink Zipfizz is available in more than a dozen different flavors in one-serving tubes.

One serving of Zipfizz has only 100mg of caffeine. There won’t be many negative side effects as a result.

Zipfizz is a nutritious snack with only 20 calories per serving and a tonne of vitamins, amino acids, minerals, and electrolytes.

The ingredients in Zipfizz energy drinks, which include guarana and green tea extract, seem to be natural, making them a healthier option.

Although the cost of a tube of Zipfizz varies depending on where and how much you pay, I believe that a line should cost no more than $2.

G Fuel Powder

Image of G Fuel.
G Fuel contains all-natural ingredients

G Fuel is made up of three different component mixes, each of which aims to provide you with extra benefits including energy, mental clarity, and antioxidants that are good for your health.

G Fuel has no added sugar and offers 25 calories per 7g serving. Additionally, each dose of G Fuel contains 150mg of caffeine, the recommended amount to provide you energy for your workout.

It contains natural nutrients such as fruit extracts, seed powders, vitamins, and amino acids.

A tub of G Fuel costs roughly $36 without shipping fees or any other extras. I think the price is reasonable given that one tub makes roughly 40 servings.


  • It’s not always easy to change your food and lifestyle to prevent gas problems. This involves avoiding meat, coffee, and carbonated drinks, among other things.
  • Particularly if you’re used to receiving your caffeine dose first thing in the morning, it can be excruciating.
  • Even though many doctors advise people with stomach reflux to avoid caffeine, there is no evidence connecting the two. If caffeine is not a trigger for them, it seems to be harmless for some persons with stomach reflux.
  • Energy powder drinks with a low caffeine content don’t disturb your stomach. Additionally, it has little impact on bloating or indigestion.

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